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TISL's Allie Corey learns safe pregnancy workouts

Tips for expectant moms to stay fit while being safe.
Credit: KSDK

The holidays can be the toughest time to stay healthy and fit, especially when there are yummy treats everywhere you turn. It can be even more challenging when you're pregnant with the cravings and a growing belly. So, mom-to-be Allie Corey wanted to find out the best workouts for expecting moms that are both safe and effective.

Corey went over to BJC’s Move Health Center in The Cortex where she met with two incredible trainers.

Kyle Bauer focuses on strength and conditioning and Kimberly Akuna teaches prenatal and postpartum yoga.

If you’re an avid runner and find the exercise more challenging with pregnancy, Bauer says speed walking on an incline will give the same results. He says it’s important to focus on your breathing.

"You want to be able to carry on a conversation," he explained.

If walking isn't your thing, a stationary bike is also safe and effective. It’s important to remember that just because you’re pregnant, it doesn’t mean you can’t stay active.

Bauer says, "The key is 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week."

As you progress in your pregnancy you may have to make slight adjustments. Like adding a place to sit for your squats in case your thrown off balance.

There's also plenty of exercises you can do without any equipment and yoga is great for that. Kimberly Akuna has been teaching yoga for almost 20 years.

"It helps with insomnia, it helps with cramping and charlie horses," she explained.

Akuna says poses like the table top and the cow face help with lower back pain and sciatica. She says yoga does much more than stretch and help flexibility.

"We want to focus on muscles and bones and creating strength and stability which is going to support pregnancy and beyond," she explained.

Other poses like the plank and what’s called the natural birthing pose also offer a safe full body workout.

Of course, with any new exercises, you should always check with your doctor first.

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