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Dellwood to receive nearly $1 million in coronavirus relief funds

“(We want to) use these funds appropriately so they will have a lasting impact on our community,” Mayor Reggie Jones said.

DELLWOOD, Mo. — Dellwood leaders plan to use nearly $1 million of American Relief Act Funds to help those most impacted by the pandemic: older generations and kids in the community.

“(We want to) use these funds appropriately so they will have a lasting impact on our community,” Mayor Reggie Jones said.

The lump sum of cash is roughly one-third of the city’s operating budget. The city relies on sales taxes for revenue, and overall revenue was down 15-20% according to Jones.

The money will go towards updating city hall and the Dellwood Recreational Center to make them easier to protect against future viruses. Upgrades include touchless faucets and automatic toilets, Jones said.

These upgrades at the recreational center will help bring jobs and programs back that were lost during the pandemic.

“You don't want to see people lose jobs, people have families,” Shegun Babaloa, Dellwood City Manager said. “That will give the community something to do especially for the past year we haven't had anything except to stay indoors.”

Leaders hope to re-open the pool and summer camp this year after they were closed last year.

The pandemic exposed how vulnerable older generations are in the community. He plans to reserve some of the money to give them additional support.

“My mom always taught me, if you become mayor make sure you look out for the seniors,” Jones said.” They need the extra attention, live by themselves don't have support at home from children who have moved on.”

Jones said they are still in the planning phases of how to spend the money. Before making a final decision, he will get input from other city leaders and the community.

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