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Michael Brown's mother Lezley McSpadden running for Ferguson City Council

"When I'm elected I will be the people's voice, not just the people's choice," McSpadden said.

FERGUSON, Mo. — Lezley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown, is officially running for Ferguson City Council. She made the announcement Friday. Supporters holding signs behind her chanted “Run, Lezley run!”

McSpadden announced her bid on Canfield Drive, the street where her son was killed four years and one day ago.

“Almost four years ago to this very day, I ran down this very street,” she said, her voice breaking. “My son was covered in a sheet. It broke me.”

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McSpadden said she felt helpless in that moment, but over the years became empowered and motivated to serve the Ferguson community.

“I stayed surrounded by support and motivational people who knew what happened was wrong and didn’t give up the fight,” she explained. “I learned to walk again. And this is one of my first steps—running for Ferguson City Council of 2019.”

McSpadden said she plans to “speak into existence” three major changes:

  • Community policing
  • Economic equality
  • Access to healthcare for everyone in the community

“When I’m elected I will be the people’s voice, not just the people’s choice,” she said.

McSpadden first announced she was considering running for public office while speaking at Harvard University back in April.

Her official bid on Friday came just a few days after Wesley Bell defeated incumbent Bob McCulloch for St. Louis County prosecutor in Missouri’s primary. McCulloch has held the job for 27 years.

Bell is running unopposed in November.

Already there are calls for Bell to use his power as the prosecutor to reopen the case against the former Ferguson police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown.

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