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The forecast is not trending in the right direction for ideal eclipse viewing

Meteorologist Tracy Hinson doesn't feel good about the eclipse weather Monday.
Credit: KSDK

ST. LOUIS — It's time to cross your fingers. You can't see the eclipse if clouds are blocking the view. Unsettled weather will develop over the Gulf Coast states early Monday morning. Totality seekers in Texas will likely be out of luck, their forecast even has showers in it. 

The million-dollar question is this: "Will clouds push into Missouri and Illinois in time to mess up the eclipse?" I don't have a great feeling. 

Do I think it's going to be overcast? No. Do I think it will be picture-perfect? Also, no. 

In the video above, models are showing cloud development north and west of the line of storms tracking through the Gulf Coast states. Rain will stay out of the way, but clouds will make their way up to Missouri and Illinois as a result. 

The timing could help us, either slowing or speeding up the push of cloud cover. We only need a window from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. I am confident in a mix of clouds and sun during the eclipse window. Not a perfect viewing, but I am hopeful we'll get to see glimpses of the eclipse. The video below is a zoomed-in look at the forecast for Missouri and Illinois. 

 Cloud cover percentages took a turn for the worse overnight. Initial modeling had us in the 20% range, but as you can see we've been boosted into the upper 30s. Forecasts can change, especially here in the bi-state. One thing I am confident about, it will be comfortable on eclipse day with highs in the 70s.

Credit: pivotalweather.com
Cloud Cover Forecast for Monday

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