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How to get promoted at work

Our career coach recommends following three steps.

ST. LOUIS — If you’re looking for a bigger challenge at work, it might be time for a promotion.

5 On Your Side career coach Bernie Frazier said there are three things people need to do to get noticed by their boss.

  1. Do your job well
  2. Work to make your boss’ job easier
  3. Show that you’re a strong problem solver and you don’t have to be told step by step what to do

Frazier said employees should have a mentor and a sponsor—the two are different. Mentors can help you with day-to-day tasks. Sponsors should be someone high up in the company who invests in your success.

“Unlike a mentor, who is behind the scenes, a sponsor is basically someone who is bringing you up under their brand,” said Frazier. “They can help move you along, get you positioned and get you the ‘yes’ stamp.”

Every Monday on Today in St. Louis, we talk to a career coach about your job-related questions. Do you need help with a resume? Are you looking to change career paths? Need advice on landing your dream job? Email #TISL anchor and reporter Jenn Sullivan, and she'll take your questions straight to our career coach.


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