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St. Louis couple stuck in Alaska after husband's heart attack on cruise ship

A family member said their health insurance won’t help them out with the cost to get a husband and father transferred from Alaska to St. Louis for treatment.

ST. LOUIS — A couple from Dogtown is currently stuck in Anchorage, Alaska after the husband had a heart attack on a cruise.

In pictures, the Skredenske family was all smiles for their celebratory cruise.

“We were all on vacation celebrating my mom finishing chemo. (and) my dad retiring with about 20 of our cousins from Florida,” Scott’s Daughter Kate Skredenske said.

But in a matter of minutes, everything changed for Scott and the family.

“He ended up going into cardiac arrest. And we luckily were able to get in contact with our cousins where there was no service on the ship. They got us to the medical center where he was in extreme critical condition,” Kate said.

Kate says she was seconds away from losing her dad, Scott.

“They ended up doing CPR, got him stable. And we were able to then figure out logistics from there because they can’t save someone in that kind of condition on a cruise ship,” Kate said.

She said they were taken to Juneau by the U.S. Coast Guard and then by helicopter to a hospital in Anchorage where he’s been fighting to recover with his wife Peggy by his side, who just finished fighting her own battle.

“It's hard knowing that she's still weak from the chemo and he's obviously chained to a hospital bed. So it's not easy right now, but knowing that they will be home soon is everything,” Kate said.

Kate’s sister-in-law, Lindsay Skredenske, said even though they’re thousands of miles away, the community support system at home is stronger than ever.

Hundreds of people lending a helping hand with drawings drinks and donations at Tamm Avenue Bar.

“Peggy and Scott they're philanthropic and they give back in every way they can. And so this is really everybody's opportunity to support Scott and give back to him and get him home,” Lindsay said.

The crowd full of Skredenske's loved ones was all smiles at the fundraiser Sunday at just the thought of bringing Scott home.

“Scott we love you. And everything that we've done over the last six days has been for you,” Lindsay said.

If you’d like to help the Skredenske family with a donation click here for their GoFundMe which will not only help in the efforts to bring him home but the long road to recovery ahead.

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