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Tired of your job? How to successfully switch careers

Healthcare companies hire more than just doctors and nurses

ST. LOUIS — Are you tired of your current job and ready for a new career path? Switching industries isn’t as difficult as you might think, according to career coach Bernie Frazier.

First, do some research about the different industries that are hiring. Technology, health, and energy are big ones right now.

“Just because you work in healthcare, they hire more than doctors and nurses. They need staff in IT, human resources, accounting, and finance,” said Frazier.

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If you’re currently working, check with your HR Manager about the possibility of moving departments. Often there are opportunities in different areas of your company.

If you’re looking to make a more drastic move, you may need to invest in extra training or in some cases even go back to school.

Frazier suggests taking up a temp job in the industry you’re looking to switch to, help bridge the gaps between jobs.

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Starting from scratch may mean having to take a pay cut.

“If you find something you’re good at that you love, the money will come because people will pay you for things that you do well,” said Frazier.

It takes time to jump from one industry to another so don’t fret.

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